



Over the past 25 years Refuge Jamaica teams have built churches, schools and homes on the island. Additionally, we sponsor a dozen school children with everything they need to stay in school - tuition, books/supplies, uniforms, transportation and lunch money. We also sponsor senior adults with financial support for food and prescriptions.


Ajahnee’s Story

This is Ajahnee. He lives in a plywood house that is down a dirt road, that is down a smaller dirt road, that is down a dirt path behind a sugar cane field in the mountains of St. Catherines. He lives with his mother, Lyn, who washes clothes to make a little money for him and his brothers and sisters to live on. When he was young he had a high fever that left him with disabled legs and a diminished ability to speak and understand. He crawls around in the dirt outside of his house to move around which leave him with constant cuts and bruises on his knees and legs. He has never been to school because he can’t sit up and Jamaican schools are not equipped to help him.

Refuge Jamaica is now at work to help this family. Ajahnee will soon have knee pads that will make his time crawling much less painful. Soon, a shipment of wheel chairs and walkers will come in from Atlanta. He will receive one of each. The walker to strengthen his legs and his independence, and the wheel chair to help his mother transport him down the long dirt path to the main road to catch a taxi into town for doctor’s appointments . They will also receive a monthly food box filled with basic necessities and help with prescriptions. We are also attempting to pair Ajahnee with stateside therapist and teachers that can work with him and his mother in weekly online training. Most importantly, they will receive prayer and hugs from someone who cares. They will know they are not forgotten by their Heavenly Father. Nothing has impacted this family and the other families Refuge Jamaica is helping as much as one on one contact, and that is happening because of your prayers and support.